Monday, 30 January 2012

4.9 mm of Hope...

I went back to the hospital for my repeat scan today. I was terrified and struggled with the whole 'full bladder' thing as I was so nervous I had to go to the loo 4 times before my scan!! Dr B scanned me and straight away told me that there'd been progress since my last scan. She kept telling me that she could see the embryo but it was very tiny. She then asked if I'd had any bleeding and my heart just sank....
Minutes later she said 'there's the heart beat. I'm very, very happy-it's a viable pregnancy'. I can't believe it! I feel like I can finally say 'I'm pregnant' and took great joy in calling my wonderful friend to tell her straight away. We have been through 2 premature births, a still birth and 3 miscarriages between us and she understands better than anyone what I'm experiencing. What a joy to be able to finally tell her!
I'm still feeling pretty scared if I'm honest but it says in black and white in my notes 'crown to rump length 4.9 mm' 'fetal heart action seen'. It IS real and it IS happening to me.
I've started my fragmin injections tonight-ouch! I'm making a point of taking joy in each sharp scratch of the needle-it's one day closer to meeting my baby!!

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