Friday 6 January 2012


28th September 2011

We waited in this morning for the midwife and in the meantime a friend came to see us.  Her support has been amazing and she has offered to sort out afternoon tea for the funeral.  We have been overwhelmed by the sheer volume of support we have had from friends.
When the midwife arrived I could tell that she was worried about me.  My blood pressure was still very raised and she wanted me to see a doctor in the afternoon.  She encouraged me to try and get more rest but it’s when I’m stopping and resting that things are more difficult. If I’m on the go then my mind doesn’t go over events so much.  The doctor came out in the afternoon and was absolutely lovely – so caring and supportive.  She prescribed me some sleeping tablets and explained that it’s important to try and get my blood pressure down so I will be monitored really closely over the next few weeks.
After putting Sam to bed friends who lost their little boy in similar circumstances 5 years ago came round to chat to us.  It was so good to be able to talk to someone who knows exactly what we’ve been through and to be able to cry together knowing that they totally empathise with us.  All I can focus on is having another baby and Celia explained that this is a completely normal reaction to what has happened.  They said that it takes a long time to get over what has happened and did not pretend that things would get better soon. I think their honesty has really helped us.  We sat up and chatted for a while after they had gone home and I actually felt ready to go to bed for the first time all week.

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